Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Chocolate Hazelnut Spread--Homemade Nutella

This is absolutely delicious. Way better than Nutella. This is an overnight preparation recipe.

Source: I can't find my exact source, but here's another: http://chocolatecoveredkatie.com/2012/01/09/better-than-nutella/

I've added my variations after learning from experience what works best.
Soak hazelnuts overnight in warm water and a pinch of salt, and something to break up the phytates.
Rinse before using.

Toast hazelnuts in oven at 375 degrees for 15 minutes. Spread nuts on pan an turn over half way through the 15 minutes.

Let nuts cool.

Peel hazelnuts by placing in a bowl with a bowl on top an shaking vigorously.

Blend hazelnuts first, pulsing until it reaches a nut butter consistency, about 3-4 minutes. Scrapes the sides of the blender often so the nut butter can be smooth throughout.

Add syrup, cream, milk, coconut oil, salt, and cacao. Blend 2-3 minutes, pulsing, until all is integrated well. Add vanilla and blend a few seconds more. taste it and adjust to your liking.

Refridgerate and enjoy. Keep in glass jar in the fridge. It keeps for a couple of weeks.

makes abt 2 cups. a pint.

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