Kitchen Hints

Hints for Baking, Cooking, and Creating in the Kitchen

Brownie Hints: When checking doneness of a brownie, insert that toothpick. It shouldn't come out clean. Let there be a glob of sticky chocolate. If it's just liquid, the brownies aren't done. But if the glob is thick or even a little crumbly, trust me. They're done. They'll cook more as they cool in the pan. Don't overbake your brownies!

Spaghetti Tip: Don't let the noodles stick together! Once you drain the noodles, add 1/2 a cube of butter and swirl it around. Buttery noodles are delicious--and they're easier to serve. Plus, if you're planning to mix sauce into your noodles before serving, the butter doesn't prevent the sauce from sticking to your delicious noodles. (Tip from Mom.)

Spank your Bread: After the first rise, my mom taught me to spank the bread. That's right. Give it a good whop. It'll deflate just a little before you take it out of the bowl and put it into the bread pan. This makes it easier to handle because many of the air pockets have already released air. It's fun for you, the kids, and Husband. : )

Do you have any handy tips or tricks that make your kitchen life a little easier? Please share!

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